First Art Trade Conference (1998)


Since 1992, Adrian Newstead has been a member of various advocacy bodies aimed at supporting and promoting Indigenous Art on national and international levels. Among his roles, he has been a Founding Member of the Austrade Visual Art Export Panel (1992 - 1996), Foundation Member of the Australian Indigenous Art Trade Association (1996 - 2023), Board Member of the Australian Art Print Network (1996 - 2012), Board Member and National President of Art Trade, (1998-2002), Board Member of the Aboriginal Tourism Australia (2004-2005), Board Member of the Aboriginal Benefits Foundation (2007-2023), Member of the Art Consulting Association of Australia (2009-2016) and President (2011-2015), Appointed Patron of the Aboriginal Art Association of Australia (2021).

In 2016, Adrian Newstead received an Order of Australia Medal "for service to the museum and galleries sector, particularly through the promotion of Indigenous arts."

Adrian Newstead was the instigator and the founding President of the Australian Indigenous Art Trade Association (Art Trade) now renamed and rebranded as the Aboriginal Art Association of Australia (AAAA).

Its’ mission is to ensure a vibrant, healthy, sustainable and inclusive Indigenous visual arts industry which supports cultural strength and promotes a nationwide safe and ethical environment in which Indigenous artists receive fair and prompt remuneration, free from exploitation.

With more than 300 artist members plus 150 trade (retail shops and wholesalers), galleries, supporters and associates, the AAAA provides its members with the ideal mechanism to expand their contacts, remain abreast of and discuss issues relevant to the industry, and grow their businesses.

After 6 years on the board 1996 to 2002, Adrian was appointed a Patron in 2020 along with the renowned Indigenous artist Barbara Weir (dec). He agreed to re-join the board in 2023, to assist in its further development.

Adrian instigated Aboriginal Benefits Foundation in 2004 with a tithe on the Indigenous art auctions he organised for Lawson~Menzies , the art auction business owned by the redoubtable Rod Menzies. He played a formative role in approaching a group of committed individuals involved in Indigenous art and culture to establish the Foundation’s legal status. Formative members of its first board were the writer Jennifer Isaacs AM, arts administrator Dr. Robert Edwards AO, and lawyer Shane Simpson AM.

The Aboriginal Benefits Foundation Trust is a Public Ancillary Fund registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. Its objectives are to promote, provide and carry out activities, facilities and projects for the benefit, welfare and well-being of Aboriginal communities throughout Australia and the members of those communities. The Foundation has a particular focus on supporting health and education projects with a connection to Aboriginal art and/or artists, which are undertaken to assist the youth, the aged and those who suffer from infirmity, disability, poverty or other disadvantageous social or economic circumstances.

The Foundation holds fundraising events to support Aboriginal programmes in communities throughout Australia. For further information on gifting, bequests, and fundraising:

In 2023, Adrian stepped down from his position as a board member of the Art Consulting Association of Australia (ACAA) after more than. A decade on its board 5 years of which he served as its President.

The ACAA is a professional industry association linking art consultants nationally and providing information and links for individuals, business and government seeking the services of a consultant.

The purpose of the association is to represent, promote and further the interests of art consulting as a professional endeavour in Australia. Its members specialise in a range of different fields which include, but are not limited to, advisory services, valuation, collections management, arts writing, curatorial services and research.